Hire K9 is the industry leader in providing drug detection dog teams. Hire K9 is licensed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to maintain actual narcotics for use in conducting realistic on-site canine training. Our license allows us to continuously conduct training under realistic, real-world situations and conditions. We are able to provide our clients the utmost level of K9 team proficiency and professionalism.
Detection Services for Hire
Detection dog services are available to assist our clients in providing a secure and drug free environment. Canine searches are an excellent method for identifying drugs, explosives, and weapon problems. When used on a regular basis, random canine searches can be an effective deterrent to negative activity.
Our Detector dogs are highly trained, very social, and extremely safe. These dogs are taught a passive response indication when they find a given odor; therefore they will provide a discrete alert and accurate detection without any damage to the searched personal property or the facility.
We also pay special attention the K9 handler’s training, and ensure that every handler is excellently trained alongside their canine companion. As a part of our training, we emphasize the importance of record keeping. We know that the searches conducted for our clients often times are used as evidence in cases. Through our accurate and thorough record keeping, we ensure that the evidence found in the searches hold up in court cases.
Our contract is bound by a confidentiality agreement that keeps any findings discreet and strictly private. In the event of an alert, the K9 handler will notify you of the suspected location of the drug.
Detection Hire K9 teams have been trained to search many environments including: schools, businesses, residences, government facilities, warehouses, amusement parks, aircraft, cruise ships, and casinos. We can also conduct searches at sporting events, high profile meetings, conventions, concerts, and other gatherings worldwide.
Hire K9 dog teams are able to find even trace amounts of completely hidden narcotics or narcotic residue. Illicit drugs used during the Hire K9 training process include:
Methamphetamines, and Chemical Derivatives
Border Control/Contraband Detection
Hire K9 can provide instruction and train K-9 teams to negotiate off-leash sweeps of multiple vehicles in traffic checkpoints or other control areas. The canine team can non-disruptively “clear” a large number of vehicles in a very short amount of time, without showing any threatening positive response that could affect the outcome of the search.